Ramtin Keramati


PhD candidate in ICME
Stanford Artificial Intelligence Lab
Statitical Machine Learning Group
AI for Human Impact Lab
Stanford University


My research mainly focuses on Reinforcement Learning (RL) under the supervision of Emma Brunskill in Stanford AI for Human Impact, Stanford Artificial Intelligence Lab and Statistical Machine Learning Group.

More specifically, I study the following topics:

Conference Publications

Off-policy Policy Evaluation For Sequential Decisions Under Unobserved Confounding [arXiv]

Thirty-fourth Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, NeurIPS 2020

Hongseok Namkoong * , Ramtin Keramati * , Steve Yadlowsky * , Emma Brunskill

Being Optimistic to Be Conservative: Quickly Learning a CVaR Policy [arXiv]

The Thirty-Fourth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AAAI 2020, New York, USA

Ramtin Keramati, Chris Dann, Alex Tamkin, Emma Brunskill

Value Driven Representations for Reinforcement Learning [arXiv]

User Modelling, Adaptation and Personalization (UMAP) 2019, (23% acceptance rate)

Ramtin Keramati, Emma Brunskill

Identification of Subgroups With Similar Benefits in Off-Policy Policy Evaluation

Under submission: Thirty-eighth International Conference on Machine Learning, ICML 2021

Ramtin Keramati, Omer Gottesman, Finale Doshi-Velez, Emma Brunskill

Journal Publications

Communications earth & environment, Nature Publishing Group

Soroush Rezvanbehbahani, Leigh A Stearns, Ramtin Keramati, Siddharth Shankar, CJ van der Veen

Journal of Nanotechnology

Ahmad Abdi, Hossein Nejat Pishkenari, Ramtin Keramati, Majid Minary-Jolandan

Journal of Applied Physics

Hossein Nejat Pishkenari, Ramtin Keramati, Ahmad Abdi, Majid Minary-Jolandan

Workshop Publications

ICLR 2020: Causal Learning For Decision Making

Hongseok Namkoong * , Ramtin Keramati * , Steve Yadlowsky * , Emma Brunskill

Distributionally-Aware Exploration for CVaR Bandits [pdf]

NeurIPS 2019 : Safety and Robustness in Decision Making workshop

Alext Tamkin, Ramtin Keramati, Chris Dann, Emma Brunskill

Strategic Object Oriented Reinforcement Learning [arXiv]

ICML 2018: Exploration in Reinforcement Learning workshop

Ramtin Keramati, Jay Whang, Patrick Cho, Emma Brunskill

Hierarchy-Driven Exploration in Reinforcement Learning [pdf]

ICML 2018: Exploration in Reiforcement Learning workshop

Evan Liu, Ramtin Keramati, Kelvin Guu, Sudarshan Seshadri, Panupong Pasupat, Percy Liang and Emma Brunskill
